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Ideas to introduce / teach song:
1. Make word strips using only the first letter for each word. For example IHAFHOE (I have a family here on earth). Sing the first section of the song and have the children put the wordstrips in order as you go. I like this idea, but I don't love it. I teach the articles of faith this way, and it's great for the older kids, but juniors struggle. So, if it works for your primary - wonderful. Idea taken from Ensign 2009
2. Use the "How" "Why" When" cards. I like to sing the song first for them and then have them help me answer the questions with my cards. As I've said before, make some good copies of these cards - I use them often...
Where is your family? {Here on earth}
What do you want to do with your family? {Share my life with them through all eternity}
How long can families be together? {Forever}
Who makes it possible for us to be together forever? { Heavenly Father} His plan is for us to come to earth and live as a family.
What has the Lord shown me? {How I can always be with my own Family}
3. Focus on the temple. The meaning of the song is that through blessings of the temple, families can be together forever. Perhaps make a large puzzle of a temple. Discuss different ways that help us prepare to go to the temple. As the children come up with a good idea, let them place a piece of the puzzle - to eventually create a temple.
4. Fill a large jar full of sand. (I recently went on a trip to the beach, so this could be fun for my kids that knew I was on vacation.) Show the jar filled with sand to the primary. Ask them how many grains of sand they think are in this jar? Ask them to imagine how many grains of sand are on all the beaches in the WHOLE world. If every grain represented 1 year, eternity would still be longer. It goes forever! Tell the children you are going to sing them a song about eternity, and see if they can discover who can be together forever. Sing just the chorus if you'd feel more comfortable. (Idea seen on idea door - adapted by LDS Primary Posters)
BE SENSITIVE: Explain that Heavenly Father loves all people. He loves those who have not been to the temple as much as those who have. He wants all families will be sealed in the temple. Explain that many families have not yet been sealed in the temple. However, these families can go to the temple if they prepare themselves properly. Tell the children that they can live worthy so that when they are married they can go to the temple to be sealed and start their own eternal families.